Monday, January 23, 2006


Seems as though the vacation is over.

It feels like I took a trip back in time, to a point in my life where riding shotgun for hours with no destination was all I did. The most commonly uttered statement was always "(blank) said they'd call back in ten minutes, but I doubt it." It was all about finding comfort in groups, stepping back from where our lives are individually, and being losers together.

I feel like, if I couldn't have gone to Deep Creek, at least I got in touch with people and feelings I haven't entertained for a while.

Also, to take a phrase from Courtney, last night I finally slept the way my body wanted to sleep. I woke up at 9pm on Saturday and stayed awake until 3pm Sunday, then remained awake from 6pm to 10:30pm. And then I slept like a mofo, and it was good.

Off to find something to eat, then go to work.

(DB) out.

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