Thursday, October 20, 2005


Okay. So I woke up this morning and my bedroom door was open. I didn't leave it open last night. Chances are, somebody walked in and found me sleeping, with a tube sock in the most inappropriate of places. That makes me wanna fart.

All I did was work last night. I don't remember doing anything else, except DLing a few Postal Service songs and having them not play right. Oh, and I spent a few hours listening to Louise make fun of me. I'm pretty used to that at this point, I think it's more funny than it is like... hurtful, or mean. But yeah, definitely funny. See the adventures of Mr. Heartbreaker and Super Footwear Girl here.

BTW, when I said I woke up this morning, I lied. I woke up at 1:15. hah. My mom told me to clean the bathroom. I have to somehow fit that in with doing a hundred or so loads of laundry, because we all know I'm running out of outfit choices. Sad part is, Brad used to do my laundry, and it's been a month, and only now am I starting to run out of stuff that is A) clean, or B) doesn't stink. So, I need to remember how to work a washer and a dryer, and if I look at it the right way, I can delude myself into feeling really good about it. "It's not a chore, it's an assertion of my independence!" (yeahok)

So, when I did wake up this afternoon, there was an IM on my phone from some random guy. I got online and IMed him back and he forgot he IMed me in the first place.

I have a message for any Random Guys who want to IM me. I'm not interested in hooking up with you. That and, if you want to talk to me, please like... actually want to talk to me, instead of sending out IM blasts to every guy you can find and then seeing who writes back.

That and, Myspace Friend Whores, don't even bother.

Well, all I really had to say was about the tube sock and the friend whores. I guess I'll write more later when I have something interesting to say.

(DB) out.

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