Friday, November 11, 2005

This just in: I overreact about everything

For now, at least, it looks like maybe thing aren't as dire as I thought.

As a few may know, I've been kinda passively avoiding the house these past couple days, making plans that involve being there only when my parents aren't home, and spending the night out for no good reason other than not feeling at home. I always do that, I avoid being home when I've done something bad. And of course my mom called me on it, and so instead of continuing, I went home last night and dealt with it.

My mom and I talked last night, which was mainly her emoting about how screwed she feels, which is a right she reserves completely. I didn't really say anything, because I didn't really have anything to say, other than that I was sorry and even though that wasn't good enough, I wouldn't really be expecting her help in the future. Which she was quick to assure me, I wouldn't be getting. But she did say, memorably, that she "wants our relationship to move to a more adult level," and that involves me carrying my own weight in a lot of respects. I let her finish blowing off steam, then went to Dave's for the evening.

Today I didn't do too much of anything. Dave and I had lunch with Shelly and there was blog fun to follow. My dad called and asked if I'd be home for dinner, which I agreed to, thinking it was going to be all sorts of terrible, and that I'd walk away from it with instructions to pack my shit and go.

Fortunately this was not the case. He asked me if I had a plan, which I'm not even sure if I do. My mom came home from work and was really glad I was there, I guess just because despite my shortcomings, she missed me. We talked about the normal dinnertime stuff, she asked what sort of advancement potential I might have open to me at Apple, and I waxed poetic about a few courses of action I could take to end up well-paid and happy in the long run, instead of just in the short term.

So, it does indeed look like my world hasn't come completely crashing down on top of my head. I'm still considering moving in with Dave, and also, Kay and I are getting together to discuss apartment shopping. At least if I do plan to get out on my own, I don't have to pull an alternative living arrangement out of my ass, because I still have a place to call home, remarkably enough.

Many thanks to those of you I've subjected to my griping and emo'ing on the topic. And Louise, you are a whore for not meeting me for coffee tonight.

BTW, that hot date I had the other night, actually ended up at a nice restaurant. I felt bad, because he didn't know how to use chopsticks, and we all know what a sushi whore I am. Yeah, I felt so bad, because I'd scarfed down half an ocean's worth of nigiri, and he hadn't gotten through more than two pieces of his. Despite the awkwardness he swears he had a good time, which is good, because I feel in kind.

I made this bomb-ass mix CD the other night for the aforementioned certain someone, and I still feel super-accomplished about it. If any readers feel like putting up with my self-pitying bitching deserves some sort of compensation, ask me how to make the absolute best mix CD ever, for any occasion! That shall be your reward.

Yeah, so tomorrow = hanging out with Kay-star, and then meeting up with Claire to go to some show that's purportedly free. I can't argue with Claire, and free music. Knowing us, we'll lament that we can't find a bottle of wine anywhere to save our lives, and spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to find said bottle of wine anyway. Or go to the CVP and pretend to be legally-drinking college students. It'll be grand.

Thus concludes everything I feel like I should be addressing.. um, so I think I'll go to bed now.

(DB) out.

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