Monday, December 12, 2005

random collection of thoughts with no soundtrack

So, today, I don't have a random song lyric to set any sort of tone.

Although, tomorrow's my first real day off in, well, probably a week or so. Which isn't really that big of a deal. It just feels like one.

Random anonymous IM quote: "i feel so bad... i just jerked off with my mom in the other room."

That's not me talking. We all know I seriously don't care who's in the other room.

I need a haircut. My dad's been telling me for months, and I think I've run out of excuses. This, however, should get him off my back: "Need money."

Today I made a "Mellow Lunch Break" playlist, to diffuse the knots forming in my brain from helping, on average, four or five customers simultaneously. Some creative rearranging might turn it into a good sleepy time playlist.

Today's random I Hate Boys Moment: Don't ignore me for weeks and then invite me to your "xxx-mas party" out of the blue. I'm so glad I have to work that night.

I think I'm gonna see Bell tomorrow night, and i'll probably end up making dinner for her, to make up for an event that occurred last week. In brief: "Bell, I'm really sorry, it's 1:00am and I know it's a school night, but I'm out front of your house and I can hear you trying to call me back, so let me in."

I love you, Bell Unit.

Things I don't need to see when glancing at the TV: Baby snake, eating baby mouse. Like, hairless, eyes-still-closed baby mouse. Makes the world seem hopeless.

Things I don't mind seeing when glancing at the TV: People in Malaysia, being highly paid to kiss cobras on the head, as a fucking competitive sport.

I probably should stop watching the Discovery Channel so religiously on my nights off.

Maybe more to come later?

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