Tuesday, July 11, 2006

insert frustrated onomatopoeia here

Eleanor's in the shop again.

Whilst driving to Jin's to pick her up for school, it started making that "replace the damn serpentine belt, already" noise. The steering stiffened, the fans slowed. It was bad. I made it to her house, popped the hood, and found coolant everywhere. All over the entire engine compartment, leaking all over her driveway, the culmination of a solid line of fluid trailing from me the entire way down her street.

Thankfully, her mom took us to school, and was nice enough to assist me in dropping the car off at the shop. Seriously though, I'm quite upset, and all I want is for this just to be done with and working properly.

Math scares me. I hate algebra, and there's no reason anyone should ever have to do it. I'm sure arguments could be made that algebra has in some way made possible everything I know and love about life, but I don't care. It needs to be left to those who enjoy doing it.

Once again, I am uninspired. I can't tell if I'm hungry, tired, nauseous, or sleepy. The thought of doing practice problems for math makes me ill.

Maybe I'll go to bed or something.

(DB) out.

1 comment:

Thom Ingram said...

Pop!!! Zizzzzzzzzzzzz!!!1