Friday, July 07, 2006

time travel

I feel like I've traveled back in time.

$981 ago (or any time in the last nine months, depending on who's in the know), my beloved Eleanor had this little problem where she would overheat constantly, had a license plate light missing, and as a result, I couldn't run the AC or drive at night without fear of being pulled over. This time, fortunately, has passed.

It's chilly and smells like fall outside. My theme for this fall is "Don't fall in love with any alcoholic cokeheads." I miss the old falls, when we'd all be getting ready for the plays, and we'd all be planning our trips to Huber's for the hayride, and we'd all be planning Halloween parties and cast parties and terrorizing TGI Friday's and feeling cool about it because technically, it was a school function so provisional license restrictions didn't apply. Oh, and we all didn't hate each other. That was nice, too.

In a strange way, I miss Laurie, too. Despite the problems our relationship had, including her being a girl and me liking boys, I miss how much I loved her, and how much she loved me, and how generally, everything was alright. Aside from sexual orientation and having spats about whose friends hated each other, I look back through my rose-tinted glasses and see us as perfect. I think she's okay now, at least I hope so. When last I heard she was done with that one boyfriend of hers, who didn't particularly care for me at all, to the point of freaking out at her whenever he heard my voice through the phone when I was around... that'd be nice. I just emailed her, in hopes that I'll hear back and get a chance to catch up. That is, if she ever checks that email address anymore. I might've just attempted to contact a complete stranger. Or maybe she really hated me, and her boyfriend was just a front. I don't think that's the case, though.

I have an A in my Comps class, and I almost certainly have an A in my Psych class. That excites me. It feels like... ten years ago. That was the last time a report card had an A on it, other than the ones in my name. Now, I just have to keep the trend going.

I'm tired. I feel aimless. I kinda want to go to sleep, I kinda don't, I have no idea. I kinda want to grab something to eat but I feel like I'm not really hungry, and that I'm just bored. Although, I didn't really eat a proper dinner- a dollar menu cheeseburger, and a 5-piece chicken nugget thing several hours later... hmm. Maybe I do have license to be hungry, but given that I've eaten fast food today, I don't know where a meal would fit in my calorie budget.

NM- problem solved- Star Trek is on.

(DB) out.

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