Friday, January 13, 2006

why i'm addicted to the internet

because living in the real world is more expensive.

Although on a more profound note, I think it's probably because the walls and boundaries that exist in the real world don't exist online. I could be more or less sitting in my underwear, surrounded by KFC boxes and flies, balancing my time between typing and trying to decide where that last piece of chicken ended up.

Well, you know, I could be doing that. I'm wearing my normal clothes and the Dickies jacket I'm often too lazy to take off. Not that anyone cares.

When we spend our entire days worrying about how we look, what we smell like, what sort of presence we exude, and what our body language is saying about us, it can be relaxing to be gloriously two-dimensional. It's easier to see oneself from all angles on a screen, and the comfort in that comes from seeing exactly what everyone else sees.

I don't know if I just ... crap, I just realized how much I need to go to bed ... anyway, I don't know if I just said something truly insightful, or used big words to justify a lack of aptitude for dealing with the world, outside of the store and the diner.

I need bed.

(DB) out.

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